Tuesday 16 August 2011

Entry 3 - Bitten (Day 2)


Chris got worse in the night. No signs of physical symptoms associated with regular viruses yet. Instead, Chris developed at am alarming rate another symptom just as bad - cognitive decline. He repeatedly lost his grasp on our situation; forgetting what we were talking about, not remembering our names and a couple of times seeming to forget the complete collapse of society as we know it. I've seen this sort of thing before - dementia.

Thomas has gone. He left for the nearest hospital to get hold of some medicine. I have no idea if it will work but I've asked him to grab some dementia drugs (Aricept is the only one I know), anti-psychotics (I know they're used for dementia, don't know what/why/how!) asprin and antibiotics (couldn't hurt!). It's a risk; the larger towns will be swarming, but Thomas is pretty sneaky. He should be back by tomorrow. I just hope it can make a difference. Dementia drugs are not designed to cure decline, rather slow it down or stop it, at least until the body adapts to the drug. A small voice of hope in me says if we can keep Chris alive and sane, his body will fight the infection and survive.

Meanwhile all we can do is wait. The Zeds are on the increase, a load appeared outside the house today. They don't seem to be aware of us yet. I just hope Chris doesn't break down any further. If he starts to call out in his confusion I might need to gag him, we're in no situation to be found.
The Zeds seem to have a natural migration between areas, outside the everyday commuting they do. I'm sure there's a pattern there if someone was interested enough to study it.

Commuting is what we call the times the Zeds are the most active and mobile; around the old commuting times, 7-8am and 5-6pm. I'm pretty sure it's a type of ghosting. What terrifies me most now about dying isn't the concept of death, but the idea I might still be damned to travel to fucking work everyday.

I'll continue to monitor Chris and hope Thomas gets back in time.

Still surviving

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