Saturday 3 September 2011

MILITARY-ONE (2nd Entry)

Current Survivors (Left to right): 
(I decided to name everyone what they should have been named at birth because that's how the world works now)
Casual Jim
Captain Fuck-You
Doc Runts

REPORT 100202

Primary news: Fag-boy refuses to cut his hair. I offered my barberistic services and he quite rudely rejected my advances. It seems my initial suspicions are correct. Only time will tell before he makes a homoerotic pass at me, possibly arranging himself naked in my bed as I attempt to turn myself in after a weary days work. I fear this moment greatly and has added what can only be described as extreme anxiety to my general movements and daily living. I constantly fear losing consciousness, be it he takes advantage of this moment.

Secondary news: The scouts have not yet returned and are probably dead. Retrospectively it might have been a bad idea to send them out in the jeep to retrieve the girl. I call it vicarious learning; I have gained knowledge from viewing the consequences of actions done by (now dead) others. It's what makes the world go round. That and the initial spin caused by asymmetrical gravitational accretion when the Earth formed. Does destroy the metaphor but who's counting points these days away. Anyway, not worth sending people to look for them, if they are alive they know how to make it back here. Got shit to do anyway. Operation Viperfish. Stupid fucking name but I don't get to make them. It was the last military order before communication went down, still got orders to carry out, do our part. I just hope everyone else is still go because if we're the only ones doing it we will royally fuck ourselves later.

I should also note we've sighted one of those quick bitten bastards outside the perimeter. Seems to be smart enough to keep out of range, maybe they're evolving? Quickly approaching the IQ of the average gym fanatic.

Signing off
Captain Fuck-You

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